thank you's
midnight echos would like to thank:
ZIA: God (for an opportunity), Utkarsh and Nick (for love and support), Sean and Dorris @ the Starland Cafe (for our first gig), Uttie and Nick's parents (for letting them do this), Richard Burton (for lending us his recording gear), Chris Barrick (for offering to do percussion on our record), Dan Doggit (For offering to do bass on our record), Nick's parents (for letting us record in his house), and Ryan Watkinson for helping us fly.
NICK: Wow - first and most of all I would like to thank Utkarsh and Zia for being the brothers I never had. You are both amazing talents and friends, and I'll never forget you. Danica, you are the greatest thing that has happened to me since music. Please don't forget me as you make your way to the top, because I'll always be here to love you. Shout outs to my YAs, the BTP folk, SFS (whoever of you guys care), and my wonderful family. I have the best friends in the world, and I won't forget how much you have done for me.
UTKARSH: I would like to thank my parents for their support--you have always been there and your love and patience is insanely appreciated. I extend equal amounts of love and respect to his two partners in musical crime Nick "Nekked" Blaemire, and Zia "Dope" Hassan--I love you guys so much, you're making my dreams come true, thanks for putting up with my crap and supporting me through all my endeavors, it means so much to me. I also thank all of my friends for supporting me and giving me feedback about the music--Those I love know who they are--thanks for all you've ever done. Lastly, I'd like to thank the music, for giving me the ability to express myself through the simple joy of melody...peace jigga.